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COVID-19 Command Center
version 1.0.0
##COVID-19 Command Center If you were the commander of the Epidemic Control. Take actions and save the world.
# COVID-19 Command centre 副標 「我去指揮也不會太差」 If you were the commander of the Epidemic Control. Take actions and save the world. ### Configurations * Death Rate is set to 3%. * When a person is confirmed positive, he moves very slow. * About two weeks after confirmed positive, 90% of people recover and carry antibody. * Wearing mask lowers the chance to get infected on contact. * Closing border lowers the chance to get infected on touch the border. * Back tracking makes the virus carrier move slower. * Medical resources can help 0.001% of the population. - Make the curve flat can help to reduce the death rate. - Take Quarantine to increase medical resources against the virus. ### Credits Inspired by - [Haska]( - [燐火幽冥]() - [火魂]() - [命運]()
# Changelog (coronavirus_simulation) ## [v1.0.0](/view/coronavirus_simulation/1.0.0) (2020-08-20) #### Changed - update Base lib and support pixi.js v5 ## [v0.4.9](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.4.9) (2020-03-29) #### Fixed bugs: - English font were not all set. ## [v0.4.7](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.4.7) (2020-03-28) #### Changed - update action icons #### Fixed bugs: - fix action bubbles fly over ceiling when too many stick together. ## [v0.4.5](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.4.5) (2020-03-22) #### Added - social share buttons #### Fixed bugs: - actor move speed needs to be propotional to actor radius ## [v0.3.9](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.3.9) (2020-03-21) #### Added - move speed needs to be oroportional to actor radius #### Changed - configurations all went to Configs.ts - social distance also reduce actor radius ## [v0.2.1](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.2.1) (2020-03-19) #### Added - Add cost simulation of the actions player executes - Add icon on the chart to indicate the time of the actions #### Changed - Shrink the chart when day reaches 300 days #### Fixed bugs: - fix some incorrect calculation ## [v0.1.13](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.1.13) (2020-03-18) #### Changed - Confirmed cases is now shrink down to represent the self-isolate effect. ## [v0.1.9](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.1.9) (2020-03-18) #### Added - new Action "Social Distance" ## [v0.1.6](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.1.6) (2020-03-18) #### Changed - Improve days popup in the chart #### Fixed bugs: - fix the action "Gather Sicks" ## [v0.1.5](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.1.5) (2020-03-18) #### Added - tooltip of the control actions. ## [v0.1.1](/view/coronavirus_simulation/0.1.1) (2020-03-18) #### Added - First version
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